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Headlines That Scream "Read Me"!

It's been said, that audiences don't read articles, they read headlines. If you want to develop a following or traffic to your site, you have to create headlines that stir up interest. Headline creation is both an art and a science, both revered and respected by marketers and content creators.  Don't believe me? Go to your favorite news or blog site or to,, Which headlines caught your eye? Which ones actually stole your attention? If you want to build a following, you'll want to make to headlines that do just that, grab a readers attention.  We marketers and communication specialists are meticulous about the messages we send because we know we only have a few seconds to get your attention. In order to position ourselves for the e-Commerce win, we have to be very strategic about what we write and how we write it. Also, headlines are also a great way to provide direction for your blogging or general content c...
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Blogging Basics: How To Begin Your Blog

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E-Commerce: The Introduction

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